What does that mean to you? What are you doing to achieve it?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Variety: The Secret of _______

Couldn't you use that title for about anything? Variety: The Secret of Life! Love! Well, I believe it. Don't get me wrong, I can find comfort in routine. But as far as exercise, there's got to be a healthy dose of variety. Keep your mind & muscles guessing!

So this summer, to alleviate any boredom I'd find in working out, I decided to try "anything" as far as exercise. (Insert doctor's disclaimer here). And what did I find?...I'm having fun doing it! So let's go down the list of exercising I've tried this summer:

First class at the Y--cycling. I did not mean to go to this class. In fact, I was ready to start another one, when a friend poked her head in the room and said, come down to cycling with me. Ok. Now, this was EARLY in getting back to it, so I thought, "Cycling....if it's too hard, I can just sit and act like I'm pedaling". Wrong! This was WAY tougher than I thought it would be! They don't let you just sit and pedal. They want to pretend you are going up hills, and that you want to speed up, or increase resistance. I made it. But wow, it kicked my butt!

Yoga -- another one that I thought I could sit and stretch. How hard could that be? Again, harder than I thought. Can you say Down Dog? What??? I hate down dog! I vowed never to go again, but I gave it another try 2 months later, and found that it depends on the instructor. I love this one named Molly. She's more in to stretching & even meditative breathing. I'm not in to the instructors that want to see how many poses they can make us do in 50 minutes. I'm not giving up on Yoga (oh, I say that b/c Molly was a substitute instructor and doesn't have a regular class - boo). I think it is a great class for your mind & body!

PiYo--"the athletic version" of Yoga because it also mixes in Pilates. This class was ok too. It is harder than just yoga. This was my first summer class, so I thought it was a good way to get in to things.

Power Pump -- my girl Laura's favorite. This class focused on weight lifting, but lower weight and higher reps. The first time I felt my arms shaking, but I actually like this class. Unfortunately, as summer goes on, I oversleep for this class! She continues to go...GOOD JOB! I will continue this as a night class after school starts again.

Step--I've been to this one many times this summer. I can't say I'm fond of it, but what a great way to stay active for 50 minutes. They always ask at the beginning of the class if they have any 1st timers. I raised my hand, sort of. I figure it gives me an excuse to not fully get it. At the end, 2-3 people said they couldn't believe it was my first time. Well folks, I never said I was uncoordinated! I just said I was out of shape!

Latin Hip Hop. Yes, you heard that right. Latin Hip Hop. I liked that class! I'd do it again. My workout partner hated it. The only part I was disappointed in was that the instructor was not Latino. There were some questionable moves, I'll admit. A few pounds lighter and I might embrace those moves *wink. Oh Laura, you're a trooper. I had a great laugh through this class...and that good too!

C25K (Couch to 5K) -- I was on week 3 of that when I pulled something in my foot. Nice. I loved it though while I was doing it. I really felt like I was accomplishing something with this. I hope to get back to it, but this foot injury...yeah, still here 3 weeks later!

Which leads me to the good ole reliables: Elliptical, bike & weights. As Robyn says, the elliptical is a good way to "knock off a couple hundred calories". I think of that every time I want to do some quick cardio. The bike, not so much for burning calories, but a way to stay active and not aggravate that foot. My husband was surprised that I've been lifting weights all summer. Of course I'm lifting weights! In fact, I've increased reps and weights (very measurable :)

So, I've promised to try Cardio Kick-boxing and Boot camp before the end of summer. I think I'll like the kick-boxing, but not sure I'm ready for boot camp. I've watched them...they go outside and run up hills. ugh.

If you're trying to get in to a program, the thing that keeps me going is the simple phrase, "It's better than sitting on the couch". Try something new...you might just like it!

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